dog and catt
overpopulation in Colombia
through sterilization
sterilization campaigns
in Colombia
underserved communities
in Colombia
You have the power to help end
dog and cat overpopulation
in Colombia
with other groups
to help more dogs and cats
We help control dog and cat overpopulation in Colombia through spay and neuter campaigns. We do this by engaging Canadian and other international volunteers who want to live a memorable experience in one of the world’s most popular destinations. In summary, see Colombia and help animals!
sterilization campaigns
veterinary surgical training program
in funds raised through our supporters
communities helped in Colombia
international volunteers and participants
dogs and cats spayed and neutered
One Paw At A Time
What We Do
Spay and
Implementing sustainable spay and neuter programs is the most effective and humane way to address pet overpopulation. Colombianimals partners with underserved and underfunded communities in Colombia to execute high-volume sterilization campaigns, engaging foreign volunteers and local veterinarians.
Cultural Experience
for Foreigners
Experience Colombia through a different lens. When you volunteer with Colombianimals, you’re not just another tourist- nah ah. Immerse in the culture, mingle with the locals, and visit Colombia, one of the most popular destinations in the world, while positively impacting the lives of dogs and cats through sterilization.
We are committed to continuing to help communities that we’ve already served in Colombia, such as Villa de Leyva, Cartagena, Malambo, Santa Marta, and Minca. Why? Because that’s the only way we’ll make a positive impact in reducing pet overpopulation.
While 300 surgeries here and there sound fantastic, it doesn’t scratch the surface of the overwhelming problem of stray dogs and cats. Research has shown that we need to do THOUSANDS UPON THOUSANDS of surgeries in the same location to see results.