Colombianimals is a non-profit organization dedicated to controlling dog and cat overpopulation in Colombia through spay and neuter campaigns. We do this by engaging Canadian and other international volunteers who want to live a memorable experience in one of the world’s most popular destinations. In summary, see Colombia and help animals!

Our training program for veterinarians and veterinary students (who have completed at least two years of vet school) focuses on training participants on sterilization surgeries, specifically on performing the flank (lateral) ovariohysterectomy (spay) technique.


  • Humane dog and cat population management
    • Why sterilization is important
    • Understanding of free-roaming dogs
    • Differences between elective surgery and population management surgery.
    • HQHVSN (High-quality high-volume spay neuter) campaigns.
  • Surgical asepsis
  • Preparing the patient
    • Clinical history
    • Assessment of the patient
    • Anesthesia risk
    • Marking
  • Anesthesia and analgesia
  • IV fluid support
  • Preparation of the surgical site
  • Preparation of the surgical team
  • Proper use of antibiotics
  • Surgical principles
  • Female surgery
    • Anatomical differences between female dogs and cats reproductive system
  • Male surgery
    • Anatomical differences between male dogs and cats reproductive system
  • Postoperative recovery

What’s included:

  • Airport pick up and drop off

  • Accommodations and meals during work days

  • Pre-arrival training (i.e. Spanish lessons)

  • Scrub top and surgical hat

  • Support and advice during travel preparations

  • Guarantee that participants will be able to perform spay and neuter surgeries

What’s not included:

  • Inbound and outbound flights

  • Medical insurance

  • SIM card

  • Accommodations and meals during non-work days

The cost to take this training program is $2,500 CAD per participant

NOTE: The price per participant is subject to change, depending on the number of participants.

If you’d like to take this veterinary surgical training program in Colombia in 2025, please email Natalia Hanson, Colombianimals Director, at, or add your name below if you’d like to learn of upcoming training dates and locations

Days Left to Start the 2024 Training Program
The 2024 Veterinary Surgical Training Program has either started or ended. If you are interested in participating in the future, please add your name to our email list below.


It is for veterinarians who have already graduated and are practicing, and for veterinary students who have completed at least second year.

You can check out the program curriculum above, but to summarize, the focus of this program is training you on the flank (lateral) ovariohysterectomy (OVH) surgical technique.

Because this is a widely-used technique in HQHV (high quality, high volume) spay/neuter campaigns in Latin America, so, if you ever wanted to volunteer as a surgeon at a HQHVSN campaign in Latin America, you’ll want to be trained on this surgical technique. Plus, it’s a good skill to add to your professional toolbox!

You don’t have to pay for everything at once. There’s a schedule of payments, approximately one month apart. 

We encourage participants to raise funds for this project.

The lead veterinarian is Dra. Paula Rojas, a Colombian vet with 10 years of experience in HQHVSN. She’s bilingual and will lead the first week of training.

On the second week, Dr. Félix de La Rosa, who also has many years of experience with HQHVSN, will join us. Dr. Félix is not bilingual, which is why participants will take veterinary-specific online Spanish lessons before arriving in Colombia.

Not yet but it’s in our plans! We would love to provide RACE and CE credits to participants who complete this program.

Santa Marta, Colombia. Santa Marta is a city on the Caribbean coast of Colombia. The weather is tropical, averaging 32 C (90 F) year-round. 

You can see a location pin of Santa Marta below, at the end of this page.

You will need to arrive in Santa Marta, Colombia (airport code SMR) on Saturday, July 13th, and depart on Saturday, July 27th.

If you choose to stay for longer past July 27th, you’ll be responsible for your own expenses.

If you have any other questions, please reach out to us at